Since 1985 Biofer has been producing and marketing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), such as iron complexes, heparins and glycosaminoglycans, steroids, enzymes and folinates.
We design the future
Experience, innovation, research, development and ethics: this is Biofer’s paradigm.
For nearly four decades, we have been an independent Italian company with global reach, at the forefront of innovation in active ingredients for a healthier world.
Since 1985, our activity has focused on the development, production, and marketing of several families of organically derived APIs: the use of advanced science gives rise to innovative and effective solutions in the service of people’s health.
Iron Complexes as Antianemics
Heparins and glycosaminoglycans as antithrombotic agents
Steroids as anti-shock, antiallergics
Folinates as antitumor adjuvants
Enzymes as anti-inflammatories
Biofer: Italian by birth, global by vocation
Our decades of experience and skilled human resources are the driving force behind our versatile, scientific approach to develop innovative products and processes.
About Us
Biofer: the Italian and independent company with a global vocation.
Each and every category of active ingredients involves specific characteristics and holds a dedicated area, as well as ad hoc qualitative and regulatory expertise.
This, combined with a new line of APIs recently obtained by synthesis, has enabled the company to establish itself as a leader in the global pharmaceutical industry.
Our R&D Department is the key pillar of innovation: We constantly invest in top talent and advanced research activities to develop active ingredients in order to serve scientific progress.
Our mission?
Moving forward, at a rapid pace, toward improving people's lives and increasing our ethical business.
Raising the standards of safety, quality and effectiveness to achieve excellence
From 1985 to the present: Biofer’s history is all about efficiency, quality and expertise. A world leader and partner in the development, production and marketing of iron complexes, heparins and glycosaminoglycans, steroids, enzymes, folinates and a range of other ingredients in full compliance with GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practices).